Monday, August 17, 2009

Rights For Grandparents - Custody, Access and Your Rights As Grandparents

Obtaining the correct information about rights for grandparents is the first step in the sometimes murky waters of child custody when grandparents feel they do not have a voice concerning their grandchildren. Having the knowledge of the current situation in family and custody laws will reduce the amount of emotional stress so often associated with grandparents rights cases. In many cases of divorce or the fracture of relationships between a mothers and fathers, grandparents and their relationships with the grandchildren are the last to be considered and are very often ignored completely.

Fortunately, in all fifty states, grandparents are considered by the family courts to be an important part of a child's immediate family and current laws reflect that the courts have changed how they view the importance of grandparents and their relationships with grandchildren. In divorce as is often the case, one parent is awarded custody with the custodial parent very often removing all access for the parents of the non-custodial parent. Or in some cases, a child may be in a unsafe environment with grandparents greatly distressed about the safety of their grandchildren.

Although the courts are favorable toward grandparents seeking to maintain a relationship or gain custody of their grandchildren, it is very important that a history of involvement be established that can be documented. Divorce and the disintegration of the family is very difficult for all parties involved with grandparents usually receiving the least amount of consideration. Knowing your rights as grandparents and exercising these rights can have a positive impact and reduce the amount of emotional damage very often associated with children of divorce or the loss of one or more parents.

Because the courts now consider grandparents to be an important part of a child's family structure, grandparents now have more access and more importantly, a voice in the welfare of their grandchildren. There is no need to feel helpless or bullied when at no other time have grandparents had a stronger voice within the legal system.

Knowing and understanding how the current legal system works in child custody is very important, especially to grandparents who feel they are being denied access to their grandchildren. You can learn more by visiting and find out what you need to know about rights for grandparents.

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