You started your business for a reason - tomake money certainly, but what else? What is your vision? You want to make a difference for your clients and for the world. Whether you provide accounting services or coaching services or sell skin care products, you want to support the health and happiness of others.
One of the foundations that helps support your business is your office. When I mention the word office or home office to people, they look at me with big eyes and say, "It's terrible, you wouldn't want to go into my office."
So if I wouldn't want to go in there, why do you?
I firmly believe that the success of your business can be supported or undermined by the energy, balance and organization of your office. This is not to say that your office will always be neat and ready for a photo shoot. Typically your office will have some amount of creative chaos. What we want to distinguish is if the chaos in your office is supporting you and ultimately your clients or if it detracts from your mission and supporting your clients.
Hereare seven stepsto ensure that your office is in alignment with your mission and vision.
1.) Think about the mission of your company and your vision for the world. What will you and your business bring to the world to make a difference?
2.) Think about what kind of feeling you want people to have after using your product or service. This feeling should be present in your office. If you don't have something, you can't give it away (or sell it).
3.) Eliminate anything in your office that is not directly supporting your business processes, your clients or the feeling you are creating in the world.
This may take some time and consideration. You will want to balance inspirational vs. business related items and you want to balance open space vs. used space. An office with no open space will feel cluttered no matter how many inspiring items are in it.
Eliminate anything that was business related, but is not relevant to your current business. Do not become a museum or archive of your past success (or failure). Be diligent about what you allow into your office. It's not a dumping ground for things-I'm-not-sure-what-to-do-with. Anything that does not support your mission or your vision is not allowed to enter. Surround yourself with items that support you and do not distract you.
4.) Arranged your furniture so that you can see the door from where you sit. If you are not facing the door now, this change alone will make a powerful shift in your ability to manifest your vision in the world. If you are unable to move your desk, get a mirror and place it so you can see the door behind you.
5.) Create a space that is balanced using colors and materials that are pleasing to you. A lively color like yellow is great for an office since it offers some stimulation but is calm enough not to cause agitation. Stay away from too much grey, white and black. Blue is a calming color if you are in a high stress environment. Add lots of plants, flowers and even a water fountain if you are willing to maintain it.
6.) Enjoy this space that supports you, your mission and your vision.
7.) Repeat. As you and your business grow and change you will continue to revise your space to support your new possibilities.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Feng Shui Practitioner Ann Kucera, "The Feng Shui Coach", publishes the ezine; 'Creating Healing Spaces: Your Guide to a Space that Promotes Health, Abundance and Harmony'. Get more great articles on feng shui and healthy homes at
Ann Kucera is passionate about helping people initiate change and transformation through the use of feng shui. She offers home and office feng shui consultations and is also available for custom designed classes and speaking engagements. Her mission is to transform buildings into spaces where people thrive. Ann began her feng shui studies in 2001 with Terah Kathryn Collins at the Western School of Feng Shui in San Diego. In addition she has a Masters in Library Science and over 15 years of experience organizing people, events, data systems, books and homes. She is the Chapter Director of the International Feng Shui Guild - Michigan.
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