Thursday, June 4, 2009

Aries Horoscope - December 2008 Astrology Forecast

Monthly: Aries December 2008 Prediction

Job and Career Horoscope in December 2008
People born under Aries sun sign will be in a mood to take initiative so they will love to work for long hours. 18th and 19th, 27th and 28th December are very important dates for work and related matters. This is the right time to grab opportunities on the career front, feels Ganesha.

Business Horoscope in December 2008
Venus, the Lord of the seventh Solar Mansion, from Aries sun sign is passing through Capricorn till the end of the first week so time is good for new tie-ups or business associations. For people born under Aries sun sign, this is the right time to pay off dues/debts that they might have taken in the past.

Finance and Money Horoscope in December 2008
This is the 'power month' for money matters as Venus, the Lord of the second Solar Mansion, from Aries sun sign is transiting through Capricorn and later is entering Aquarius. The financial inflow will be more than satisfactory but the capacity of the people born under Aries sun sign to spend money will also be increasing.

Love/Marriage/Personal life Horoscope in December 2008
Those single and looking born under Aries sun sign may fall for someone very suddenly this month. They may sing Phil Collins' song, "This must be love, I'm feeling, This must be love". Those already in a relationship will be sharing philosophical and religious views. Married couples will be taking dips in the river of love throughout the month of December.

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Studying On Faith Alone
A Rich Man To Enter The Kingdom

When You're Smiling!

Smile , it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart."

Anthony J. D'Angelo

Back from Florida ahead of Hurricane Wilma, I asked my teenage son what he thought I should write about this time and he said doughnuts. I explained that although I found the topic an intriguing one (my mind immediately leaping to how I could link this into an interesting piece), it really needed to be more relevant to what I do, not what he would like to be doing! So his next suggestion was Smiling.

I nearly dismissed this until I remembered that while I had been working on the fourth module of my e-course today the topic of smiling had come up. It was in the context of self-confidence and how to develop it, in this case by meeting people with a smile and a friendly manner so as to engage and interest them. By asking people about themselves and really listening to their answers with a smile, not only will they feel comfortable and pleased to be around you, but your confidence will grow with each encounter. You will be remembered as much for your smile as who you are and what you do. As long as the smile is genuine and you use eye-contact you will come across as friendly and approachable and confident. Smiling is such a powerful tool.

I couldnt leave it there, so did a search on Google and came up with the following:

More facts about smiling

A smile is a universal expression of happiness and recognized as such by all cultures

A smile is the most frequently used facial expression It takes as few as five pairs of facial muscles and as many as all 53 to smile

Regardless of the precise number of muscles used, smiling causes far fewer muscles to contract and expand than frowning

Smiling releases endorphins and makes us feel better

Even faking a smile can lead to feeling happier

People are born with the ability to smile (They dont copy the expression, even babies who are born blind, smile)

Babies reserve special smiles (Duchenne smiles of joy and happiness) for their loved ones

A newborn shows a preference for a smiling face over a non-smiling face

Women smile more than men

Younger people smile more than older people. American males with high testosterone smile least of all.

There are 18 different kinds of smile used in a variety of social situations

Human beings can differentiate between the felt (Duchenne) smile (of joy and happiness) and the social smile its in the eyes (literally)

A smiling person is judged to be more pleasant, attractive, sincere, sociable, and competent than a non-smiling person

A person who studies laughter is called a gelotologist


Can smiling help you to move forwards? Are you lacking in confidence and afraid to be noticed? Practice smiling. Think of what you can ask people about themselves and jot down some notes. Try it out on a family member, friend or a colleague that you trust. Think about those people who seem to always have a smile and a word for others. How do they make you feel? You can be like that too.

You can choose to be permanently grumpy or you can choose to cheer up and smile! Have you been putting off the smiles? By smiling you will be releasing endorphins in your brain which will make you feel better (see above). You can even trick your brain into believing you feel good by getting that smile on your face, even if you dont feel like it yet. Do it long enough and you wont have to fake it.

One of my favorite exercises is to have a Smile Day. From the moment I get up I decide that I am going to smile at everyone I see. It doesnt matter if I know them or not, I will still smile, and often say Hello. It is amazing how many people will smile back. Sometimes you dont get one in return, but most people are delighted to return it to you. By the end of the day I am much more happy and positive than when I started.

What makes you happy? What do you like doing? Where can you include more of this in your life?

Try and smile at at least one stranger each day. For the less confident this could be a challenge but you can do it!

Happiness comes from many sources, including expressing ourselves creatively. What are you going to do this week to express yourself? I have planned a whole day of crafting, as I have been putting that on the back seat for quite a while. You dont need to commit to a whole day, just what you can.

A smile costs nothing, however it brings great richness to the recipient

Kate Harper is a Motivation Coach based in the beautiful Highlands of Scotland. Check out her website

She works with people from all over the world who are seeking change in their lives. If that is you, please take a look at Kate's website. Her special interests are the promotion of Wellbeing and Self Confidence through her coaching.

"The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult." Madame Marie du Deffand

Take your first step today and contact Kate.

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Water Damage Cleanup
Laws Of Attraction In Action

Feel Better With More Vitality - The Five Tibetan Rituals For Fitness and Staying Young

The Five Tibetan Rites are a short series of yoga-type exercises that first appeared in a book by Peter Kelder in the 1930s. Kelder told how he had gotten to know a retired British army officer called Colonel Bradford who had recounted his travels in far off lands including a tale he had heard of a series of exercises or Rites practiced in a remote temple in Tibet that were believed to have rejuvenating properties, keeping the monks forever young.

Colonel Bradford soon came back to Asia to seek out the restoring Rites for himself. When Kelder met him again a few years later, Bradford was transformed. Much of his balding hair had grown back, it was darker with less gray, and his arthritic stoop was gone. He seemed like a middle aged man instead of the old man that he had been. He showed Kelder how to perform the Rites and Kelder soon felt the benefit for himself.

We now know that the exercises have more in usual with Indian yoga traditions than Tibetan, but wherever they came from, they certainly have a wonderful effect. If you practice them correctly you should begin to feel physical, emotional and spiritual benefits within a few weeks or even days.

Almost anyone can do the Five Tibetan Rites (but see the Important Note below if you have any health problems). They are quick and simple, requiring no special equipment.

It is best to start with just one of each Rite a day, increasing to 3, then 5, etc whenever you feel ready, up to a maximum of 21. Do not increase beyond 21 repetitions. There is no added benefit in doing more and it may have a negative effect.

If you are very unfit or overweight, start by doing exercises 1 through 3 only. Add in 4 and 5 (together) when you feel ready, beginning with just one repetition of these even if you are doing more of the others.

It is very important to do the exercises in the correct order, and try to do them every day. Do not miss more than one day a week. If you do not have much time one day, you can cut back to 7, 3 or even one repetition of each. It is better to do just one than none.

Most people get maximum benefit by doing the exercises in the morning before breakfast but choose a time that is convenient for you. Always wait at least 2 hours after eating. You may want to do some easy stretching to warm up the body before you start.

To get the best results, it is vital to do the Rites in full awareness of all of the movements. Breathe in as you go into an exercise and breathe out as you come out of it.

Try to keep a relaxed attitude of mind, and do not compare yourself with other people or think about how you are doing compared with yesterday or last week. All that matters is what your own body is doing, right now.

Doing the Rites slowly will help you to stay focused on your body. Do not over stretch or push your body to limits in any way - you should be comfortable all through your session.

Important Note:

If you have heart problems, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, hyperthyroid, high blood pressure, vertigo or dizziness, or any other chronic or serious health issue, you should not do the Five Tibetan Rites without first consulting your doctor.

Adriel Yapana, CFT is the host of the Lean On Me Video Blog and the creator of the ebook, "Burn Fat Fast with Transformed Thinking" He can be reached at