Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Straight From the Stars - Understanding Love Horoscopes

Love is many times a mysterious force. It's hard to comprehend, even harder to engender. There's no scientific way to prove or disprove love, or the power of love, and many people turn to astrology for answers to all their questions about this awesome force. It's a firmly held belief that certain star signs can indicate if two people are made for each other, complement each other perfectly and that people with certain other star signs should not consider being more than friends or acquaintances.

The most common form of this kind of indication is the horoscope. Normally horoscopes cover a general day-to-day plan of your life but love horoscopes focus mainly on what kind of star sign is best suited to you and what characteristics you should look for in a potential partner. The horoscope is normally based on calculations made from the positions the sun, moon and planets were in on the date of your birth (not necessarily including the year). There is a belief that the aforementioned positions have a strong bearing on you as a person, your individuality, character, personality and your future.

It is accepted that there are certain traits that all people from a certain star sign will share. This makes for some pretty interesting reading, especially if you know the star signs of friends and family. Here is where the love horoscope will shed some major star-light on your romantic situation. It's widely held that you gain a sense of understanding about yourself and your compatibility with your partner as well as gaining deeper insight into some of your behavioral patterns.

A zodiac chart is key to understanding your astrological compatibility with other people, but the basic gist is as follows. There are four elements, earth, fire, air and water under which all twelve star signs are classified. Under fire there is Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The fire sign is supposed to represent strong will, leadership qualities, enthusiasm and a stubborn nature. The earth element, stable, material and practical, includes Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.

The air element includes Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and these signs are generally lazy, good at abstract thought and possess great aesthetic sense. The last three, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces all belong to the water sign and represent emotions, empathy and sensuality.

Based on certain characteristics you will be slotted in with certain other star signs that are most compatible for you. Taurus and Cancer, for instance, make a great coupling as the practical nature of the Taurean keeps the emotional Cancer grounded while the Cancerian provides much-needed compassion and romance.

Though whimsical, a really fun link to check out would be: that provides coupling compatibility answers for all the star signs. Even if it doesn't match your scenario it's fun to read! Go ahead and ask the stars who to aim for.

The Secrets of the Feng Shui Dragon

The Feng Shui dragon is an incredibly important symbol, and one very much at odds with traditional Western views on the subject. While Western culture tends to vilify dragons, seeing them as overgrown serpents (and subsequently, images of demons), Chinese culture views dragons as powerful protectors.

The Culture

The Feng Shui dragon is inextricably linked with Chinese history. For a long time, the dragon was the symbol of the emperor, and thus represented the emperor's power and responsibility to his people (hence the idea of the dragon as a protector). The Chinese people view themselves as very much a part of the dragon. In fact, many Chinese people refer to themselves as "Descendants of the Dragon." You'll also find many proverbs and idioms related to dragons. For example, it's common for a woman's newborn son to receive a blessing in hopes that he "will become a dragon."

Even though many people view the Feng Shui dragon as mythology and nothing more, Chinese people still revere the symbol in much the same way Western culture would revere, for example, the image of a cross. In fact, a Nike advertisement featuring an athlete slaying a dragon incurred indignation and anger from the Chinese people and was quickly banned throughout China.

Dragons and Their Associations

The Feng Shui dragon isn't limited to Feng Shui at all. Throughout history, Chinese people have viewed the dragon with special reverence and imbued it with a lot of significance. Just a few of the positions the dragon holds in Chinese culture include:

  • the protector of the people
  • the giver of wealth, prosperity, and success
  • the controller of weather and, perhaps strangely, water (as well as, more predictably, fire)
  • imperial authority and success

As you can see, the dragon is more than just a myth in China: it's a powerful and ancient symbol that still commands a great deal of respect.

How the Feng Shui Dragon Works for You

If you choose to display the Feng Shui dragon in your home, it can bring about powerful benefits for you and your family. Simply remember the following tips:

  • Always treat the dragon's image with respect
  • Never display pictures of crippled or dying dragons
  • Be careful where you position this powerful image
  • Choose colors that match your objectives, since dragons can embody just about any element (most commonly water or fire)

If you follow these basic guidelines, the Feng Shui dragon will bring about prosperity, safety, and happiness in your home!

Learn the feng shui secrets that can bring you love, money, health, and happiness! To learn more, visit me at

How to Use the Feng Shui Elements

The 5 Feng Shui elements are instrumental to producing a home with a positive balance and the best Chi.Generally you begin by using the Ba-Gua map to layout the different directions in your home, and then use the Lo-Pan compass to dig deeper into the 5 elements.You can then determine which color associated with the elements would work best for you and your home.

Using color in your home to produce different types of energy is a primary principle of Feng Shui, and relates to the things that are directed by Chi such as prosperity, health, and marriage.The colors from the elements can be used to change the balance of energies in the home, ultimately producing the desired states.

Several colors are part of each of the 5 elements.Not only are there primary colors, but there are also different shades of colors that can be used in Feng Shui decorating

1.Wood element - Shades of brown and green

2.Water element - Blue or black

3.Fire element - Dark purples, red, deep yellow, and orange

4.Earth element - Sandy colors, brown, and light yellow

5.Metal element - White and gray (silver and gold sometimes fall in this category)

The productive cycle and the destructive cycle are foundational to the 5 elements.Both of these are important.The productive cycle is characterized by life and growth, for example, the water nourishes the wood element which is then be used to create the fire element. The fire element burns and eventually produces the earth element which in turn forms the metal element and then feeds back to the water element.

The destructive cycle is equally important and represents the other side of the balance between life and death.In contrast to the productive cycle, in the destructive cycle things deteriorate and die which makes way for new growth. For example, the wood element rots into the earth which in turn soaks up the water. The water element puts out the fire element which is known to melt metal. Metal implements in turn cuts up the wood.

The 5 elements have both colors and directions associated with them.As discussed before, each element has a primary color and also subtle shades of color available to the user.Similarly, the directions associated with each element may also contain more than one choice or direction that would benefit that element.In this way, following the principles of Feng Shui gives us many choices to finding perfect balance and positive energy.

Creating a positive, favorable flow of energy in the home and living spaces is the purpose of Feng Shui.You do this by using certain colors that correspond with the elements of that direction.Additionally, just as the colors of some clothes work better for some people, you will find that there are certain colors are naturally pleasing and can be incorporated outside of their elements if they are part of the same cycle.For example, red is the color of fire and represents positive Chi.If you find that you are confronted with a situation that is unfavorable, you may use the color red to turn the negative energy into positive energy.

Just as there are many colors of a rainbow, so too are there many combinations of colors and elements that can be employed in Feng Shui.In fact, the complexity that can be added is one reason many are turned away from Feng Shui.However, it need not be complicated.Learn how to use the Feng Shui elements first, and as you gain more knowledge and understanding you can then begin to add the subtleties and combinations to refine your decorating and your Chi.

To learn more about Feng Shui elements and how to incorporate these ancient principles into your home decorating visit:

Feng Shui For Your Money, Prosperity in 4 Easy Steps

The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui (pronounced Foong Shway or Fung Shoy) focuses on the placement of items throughout your house to maximize the flow of life energy, called "Chi". Practitioners believe that you can attract and direct chi in a way that will refresh your life and home.

In lackluster economic times, when money managers are afraid to admit to the fact that we may be in a recession, or even worse, looking at a depression, we may need to look all around to find things that may produce more in our lives. Feng Shui, why not? If our bank accounts can benefit from a few extra dollars, why not give it a try. What's the worst that will happen? You may have some nice green plants and a fish in a bowl.

1. Find The Money Sector In Your Home

According to contemporary Feng Shui beliefs, your home is divided into regions corresponding to different aspects of your life, such as health, wealth or career. This division of the home is called the "ba gua", and each region is called a "gua". You should focus on the gua of whatever aspect of your life you wish to improve. For the purpose of this article we are focusing on prosperity and money. So how do you find your prosperity gua? Easy. Stand facing into your house from the main entrance. This would usually be the front door. So now you're standing at the main entrance to your home, the wealth gua is located in the upper left corner of your floor plan. That was easy!

2. Eliminate Negativity

Now that we've located the prosperity gua in our home we need to treat it right. You want to rid this area of anything "negative." Get rid of the clutter, and repair or throw out anything that's old, broken or rundown. Dust, wash and clean this area and keep it clean.

What should NOT be in this area?

Clutter, peeling paint, leaky pipes, broken items, dead or dying plants. Nothing negative.

Note: If your bathroom happens to be your gua, keep the toilet seat closed or it can drain your positive energy.

3. Power Up Your Prosperity Area

Once you've cleaned everything up, it's time to get ready for the prosperity. True believers of Feng Shui say that placing certain objects or colors in the gua, you can strengthen this area and invite wealth into your life. But it is important that you avoid clutter in this area, so be selective with the below listed items that you decide would work best.

4. Maintain Your Chi

Keep your prosperity gua clean, and uncluttered. Make sure that plants and fish are thriving. And don't make this corner of your house your singular focus. When we seek prosperity it also involves your overall outlook and approach to life and money. Feng Shui advises that donating money is a good way to ensure that more abundance flows into your life. If you can't donate money, donate your time. Always try to maintain a positive outlook on life and about everything that you do have in your life. Try not to focus on the things that you don't have in your life. Try not to be negative, and you never want to be jealous.

Necessary Prosperity Items

Goldfish; In Feng Shui, goldfish are one way to bring good energy to your home. Stock an aerated tank with several orange goldfish and one black goldfish. The black goldfish will absorb any negative energy (sorry someone had to be the black sheep or in this case black goldfish of the family).

Jade Plant; the jade plant is also referred to as a "money tree". Other types of green plants can be used as well. Make sure plants in your gua stay healthy, since they are representative of your financial state. Avoid thorny plants, as they are detrimental to finances.

Fountain; Water fountains, in Feng Shui water is an ancient symbol of abundance and prosperity. Choose a simple fountain, preferably round in shape, that's easy to keep clean. It doesn't have to look oriental in style, but should match the overall look of whatever room you place it in.

Colors; In Feng Shui the color green is for growth and purple is for wealth, so if you pair them together, then hopefully your money will multiply. Both colors can be integrated with any of the other objects we have already described. For instance you might put a plant in a purple pot. Or have a green water fountain.

Three Legged Toad; the three legged toad is one of the utmost symbols of prosperity in the traditional Feng Shui. Always remember to only use the three legged toad if your wealth center (gua) is in the living room, garden or other semi-outdoor area. The toad doesn't like other rooms.

About The Author: Forest Wakefield is an exercise equipment technician with over 15 years of practical on the job and factory training. He is also a self proclaimed "Treadmill Doctor". He has practiced Fen Shui for many years and has truly benefited for its many teachings. His website offers simple, creative ideas regarding exercise equipment, health and fitness. Forest's offers exercise equipment parts for some of the most common brand treadmills and ellipticals at his web site

Copyright - Forest Wakefield. All Rights Reserved.

Aum Mantra For Mediation

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Crisis In Christianity

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Strengthening the Grandparent Bond

Grandparents are an important part of every childs life because they can give a valuable gift: unconditional love. A warm, strong bond can enrich the lives of both generations. To succeed, it takes a partnership between parents and grandparents. Both need to respect each others role and keep the childs best interest in mind.

The mutual goal should be to encourage the bond between child and grandparent without putting Mom and Dad in an awkward middle position: Some suggestions:

Watch out for overindulgence. Its natural for grandparents to drop in, shower gifts on the kids, and then go home. Grandparents need to recognize that this can hurt parents, who need to maintain daily discipline. Before bringing gifts or treats, grandparents could ask if their plan is okay with the parents.

If grandparents tend to overindulge a child, parents can let them know how important they are in the childs life, but emphasize that affection and attention are more important than gifts. A parent might say, You dont have to buy Roger a new toy whenever you visit. What he really loves is going to the playground with you.

Know the ground rules, but expect some flexibility. If grandparents are lax about enforcing parents rules, parents should remember the priority is to let a child develop a close, lasting relationship with grandparents. This can be difficult if you say, Its time for bed, and Grandpa says, Oh, let her stay up another hour. Its a challenge if both child and grandparent align themselves against a parent, as when Grandma slips a child candy and says, Dont tell your Dad.

Grandparents should know what the parents rules are and not undercut them. But theres room for flexibility as long as both parents and grandparents agree in advance. For example, if bedtime is 9 p.m. at home, parents could okay a 10 oclock bedtime when the child visits Grandma on the weekend.

It helps to relax some rules when grandparents are around but parents should make it clear ahead of time that this is a special occasion. For example, When Grandpa visits this weekend, you wont have to go to bed quite so early or we may have some special treats we dont usually have. Parents can step out of the way for a while and let child and grandparent enjoy their time together.

Watch the criticism. In many families, grandparents still carry old criticisms of their adult child (Youre so unorganized), while parents still hang on to old reproaches from their youth (Youre too rigid) Voicing critical words in front of children can be harmful, especially if the discord focuses on how parents are raising their children.

Parents need to accept that many grandparents are unlikely to change. Its best to listen but if the criticism seems unwarranted, reply with a non-committal, Uh-huh. If a grandparent expresses differing opinions about health or food issues, a parent can simply say, The pediatrician said

Sometimes parents reject a grandparents directions because they resent the interference, but Grandpa may have some good advice. A useful tactic for parents: Occasionally ask for opinions before theyre offered.

Grandparents should remember to keep their advice to a minimum. When it is invited, express it in non-critical words. If its rejected, drop it.

Focus on the childs best interests. Its common for grandparents to voice disapproval of a childs dress, language, or behavior. But the bond between them is often damaged because grandparents dont recognize how important their views are to a child. Parents can remind grandparents in a non-confrontational way, I know you dislike the way Suzie dresses, but it hurts her feelings when you comment about it, and she really cares what you think of her.

Try not to play favorites. Its impossible to like all children equally, but its important not to show favoritism that hurts a childs feelings. Some grandparents are more comfortable with girls than boys and vice versa, or enjoy older rather than younger kids. Many grandparents may not realize theyre harming the less preferred child. The solution is as simple as becoming aware of the unintended favoritism.

If parents or grandparents notice that theyre showering one child with extra attention, try to foster a relationship with the other child by playing games or going to a movie with that child alone. Gradually, the relationship will grow, or another grandparent may step in to show more attention to that child.

Build upon common interests. If a grandparent is uninvolved or ignores a grandchild, both parent and child feel hurt. Many parents expect grandparents to be doting, bake cookies, and always be available to babysit, but their lifestyles and personalities dont always fit the parents ideals. Both parents and grandparents need to be aware of these differences, respect them, but at the same time discover ways to strengthen the child-grandparent bond in ways that are comfortable to both.

Look for activities suited to the grandparents interests. If Grandpa is an avid golfer, maybe hed enjoy taking the kids to a miniature golf course once in a while. If Grandma loves to read, she could take the kids to the library. Such directed activities enable grandparent and child discover common interests more than simply spending unstructured time at home.

Dont give up if your efforts to strengthen the grandparent-grandchild bond seem to stall. Keep trying, but it may take more time until children are older and both generations discover more in common.

Two thought to keep in mind: Grandparents, a little spoiling is fine, but dont undercut the childs parents. Parents, sometimes youll need to step out of the way and allow children and grandparents to grow closer by allowing their relationship develop on its own.

Nancy Samalin, M.S., is one of today's foremost experts on parenting and a best-selling author of several books including LOVING YOUR CHILD IS NOT ENOUGH. Her fourth and newest book, LOVING WITHOUT SPOILING & 100 Other Timeless Tips for Raising Terrific Kids, is now available in paperback.

For more than two decades Nancy has been giving keynote speeches and workshops throughout the U.S. and internationally. She has appeared on many national TV & radio shows including, "The Today Show", "20/20", "Good Morning America" NPR and "Dateline NBC". Further information on Nancy's work and books is available at

Finding Something You Don

Home Security For Renters

Estimates indicate that nearly 40 million households in the United States actually occupy rental units or rental homes. At one time, renters were primarily comprised of young singles; however, that is no longer the case. More than 50% of renters today include families with children.

While home security systems are often targeted at homeowners, it is important to note that rental homes are just as much of a target for burglars and criminals as owner-occupied homes. In fact, a rental unit may be even more of a target due to the fact that renters are perceived to be less likely to take measures regarding security.

Even if you do not own the home or apartment in which you reside, protecting your loved ones and possessions is certain to be important to you. In most cases, the management of an apartment building will handle security for the grounds; however, security for each unit generally has something to be desired. While property management often provides a gated entry and lighting and may even go so far as to hire a private security company to patrol the grounds, it does not provide any individual security for each apartment unit. In that case, it falls to the tenant to make sure that their possessions and loved ones are kept secure.

Fortunately, there are many steps you can take even if you are a renter in order to improve the security of apartment or home in which you reside. The first step is to ensure that all doors and windows are kept locked. Ensure that the locks which are in place are effective. If they are not, speak with management about covering the cost of having new locks installed.

A home security system can also be utilized by a renter in order to ensure safety. In the past it was quite difficult for renters to take advantage of a home security system due to the fact that a contract might be required which would make it difficult if the renter needed to move while the contract was in effect. A home security camera; however, can provide a renter with the additional peace of mind and security they desire. This type of camera can be easily installed to view a front entrance or a walkway. In many cases, it may serve as a deterrent to would-be thieves. In addition, in the event of a crime it can provide indisputable recording of the event to provide law enforcement later. Renters can even take advantage of smaller cameras which can be easily placed in balcony or porch areas. These cameras can also be placed inside the home or apartment. Wireless security cameras make it much easier for the cameras to be moved; which can be helpful in the event the renter moves at a later date. Establishing a monitored home security system helps in emergency response time as well.

While you should always check with management regarding their policies on the installation of a home security system, many landlords and property managers are quite open to the idea due to the fact that it benefits them as well as the renter.

Bruce Kelly tip - just because you are renting does not mean you have to sacrifice your security options. Check with your ADT local dealers to find out what options are available for your home or apartment.

Rodent Proofing Your Home

Home Improvement Company - Exterior Paint Jobs

One of the most popular types of home improvement is the exterior paint job, and a home improvement company can help you give your home a totally new look with a new coat of paint. If you're looking to sell your house, painting it can not only make it seem like a newer home, but will add a substantial amount of value to the home (good paint jobs will actually pay for themselves). In this article, we'll go over some of the things you should know about exterior paint jobs, and how to go about hiring a company that will get the job done right.

Once you've selected the basic layout of how you want your paint job to go, you'll need to begin preparation. Any professional home improvement company will tell you that preparation easily makes up for half the work involved in painting a house, and a good prep job is a crucial aspect to getting a good paint job. Preparation typically includes checking areas of the exterior for signs of damage or wear, and looking for blistered paint, which indicates water that has soaked underneath. Some repairs may need to be made to the exterior, such as replacement of caulking and sealants, and fixing damaged flashings.

After preparations have been completed, a coat of primer will be added and then a coat or two of fresh paint, depending on the color of paint and material of the house. A good home improvement company will know that the best materials will provide the best paint job, and a good paint job can protect a home from the effects of sun, rain, and other adverse weather for more than a decade. Using the right tools will help the job go quickly and smoothly, and having skilled professionals that know how to use those tools will have the painting done before you know it.

If you're looking for a great way to completely revamp the way your house looks, a new paint job can really add a touch of flair to an otherwise aging home. Maybe you want to increase the overall value of the house, or maybe you simply want a new look on the family estate. Whatever the reason, a home improvement company that knows its stuff can get the job done quickly and easily, ideally with a quality of work that will increase the value of your home more than the actual cost of the job.

Home improvement company

Residential construction company

Siding Articles

Understanding Tuscan Decorating

Tuscan decor is used quite often throughout America in order to improve the appearance of the home. However, there are many people who do not know where the Tuscan style originates and why it is used so often.

Obviously Tuscan style decorating originates from Tuscany. Now Tuscany is one of the most beautiful places in the world and it boasts welcoming and warm looking homes. It is home to the Renaissance and Leonardo DaVinci, Dante and Michaelangelo, all originate from there. There are old buildings full of history and everything about the country helps people to feel a sense of belonging and carries them away with wishful thinking. That is the main reason Tuscan style decorating is as popular as it is today.

Understanding More about Tuscan Style Decor

When you look at the colors of Tuscan style decorating, you realize that mainly earthy colors are used as well as a few sea blue colors too. Warm reds, smooth chocolate browns and olive greens all go well within a Tuscan style home and the pictures you can purchase with a Tuscan feel are usually landscapes which show natural beauty.

The Tuscan style theme has changed over the years and it was in the fourteenth century that European architecture started to change. The well known Italian architect/artists such as Brunelleschi and Giotto started to build taller buildings. Symmetry played a large part in their designs, as did scrolling ironwork and floor mosaics. It is this change that really got Tuscan decorating going.

The Tuscan theme was again changed during the Roman times. This was because Tuscany started to become a place in which trade and travel were common. Tuscan designers started to take inspiration from countries such as Egypt and India and they brought over pieces of furniture and accessories highlighting the two countries styles.

If you look at the furniture which is used in Tuscan style decorating, you will notice that it has quite a few different architectural elements. Table legs and chair legs both often are carved as though they were columns, highlighting the fourteenth century. You can also see that many types of Tuscan style has mosaics incorporated into them such as coffee tables which have mosaics on the top of them. These highlight the Roman period in Tuscany.

Overall all Tuscan style furnishing pieces are inspired by a different period in Tuscany. So it helps to have some knowledge on each era before you start decorating your home in a Tuscan theme.

Adam Peters is a syndicated editor of A website with tips on tuscany theme remodeling, amongst many related topics.

Protect Your Home Against Weather

Home Improvement Loans - Easy Finance For Home Refurbishing

After a certain period of time, cracks and moulds tend to appear in your home giving it a slightly odd appearance. Moreover, you are looking to make some changes to your existing home and for the same you need to have some amount of finances by your side. It is unlikely that you can spare the amount required from your regular income. Ultimately, you have to look for other alternative sources. Home improvement loans are just designed for these purposes and mainly help you cover the expenses on home renovation.

These loans are tailor made to suit your prevailing circumstances are mainly concerned with the overall development of your assets. As a matter of fact, the loans are not that tough to obtain and can be derived as per ones need and requirement. The amount obtained through these loans can be used for erecting a wall, construction of swimming pool, extending a room, purchasing furniture, flooring of tiles, painting of walls and many more. In other words, through these loans, you will be able to enhance the equity value of your home.

On the basis of your need and requirement, you can source these loans in secured and unsecured form. Secured form of the loans are perfect if you are looking to borrow a bigger amount. These are collateral based loans and the amount sanctioned under these loans is a lot based on the equity present in the collateral. Further its repayment tenure too is convenient and spans over a longer duration. It is because of the presence of collateral that you get to derive the loans at comparatively low rates.

For those who are looking for smaller amount, unsecured option of the loans can be perfect. There is no need of pledging collateral for the approval of the loans. In the absence of collateral, the approval comes instantly. But then, you have to pay a high rate of interest while availing these loans. The repayment tenure too is small and short.

As of now, you can source home improvement loans even from lenders based in the online mode. By selecting the online mode, you will be in a position to derive these loans instantly and that too with flexible terms and conditions. on further comparing the rate quotes of various lenders, you will be able to nail a deal that offers maximum benefits.

Dina Wilson is an expert loan advisor at online home improvement loan. To find home improvement loans, home equity loans, online home loans visit

Which Roof Do I Choose

The Building Industry Could Use a Remodel - Home Improvement Buyer Beware

Unemployment rates are soaring and our economy is in crisis. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Individuals frantic to put food on their tables are opting for a default career putting out their "contractor" shingle whether they are qualified or not. Shocking but true, Real Estate agents are regulated more stringently about selling a home than builders are about the product that they are creating.

The myth is that there are regulations in the building industry. There are no regulations, codes of conduct or ethics, licensing or certifications that can guarantee that who you are hiring or the work that you are contracting to have done has any framework that is universally agreed upon let alone defining what "professional" means in this industry. There is no assurance that a homeowner is getting what they need, let alone what they are paying for. And they are paying plenty. 200 billion dollars was spent on home improvements and repairs in the United States last year. 66% of the jobs in the US are building related, all the more baffling that there is so little accountability or attention given to this industry when it is unquestionably, big business, any way you look at it.

Contractors are less trustworthy than used car salesmen. Nationally syndicated home improvement radio show host, Don Zemen, reports statistics released from the Consumer Federation of America, which place contractors at the top of the list, with the highest number of consumer complaints. What an honor.

The reality is, there are and will continue to be "contractor" horror stories, so although there is some attention given to this industry, it is generally negative and creates more challenges or most assuredly angst and cause for concern for homeowners needing home improvement services. There are plenty of reputable, professionals out there, take a look around your neighborhood, there are clearly more positive home improvement projects and stories than there are negative ones.

The question is how do you sort through it all to find a contractor or particular home improvement services when you need them? Educate yourself. Understand what you need to know before you hire anyone to do anything in your home. Know that licensing can mean next to nothing depending on what state or county your home resides in. Honor the professionals who are in this business for the right reasons.

Ensure that your contractor is committed to maximizing the investment, efficiency and value of your property while minimizing utilities and ongoing maintenance costs, with bona fide building practices, quality control and integrity that meets your expectations by talking directly to actual clients, seeing real projects and knowing who you are letting into your home before you sign anything!

Please visit On The Level Builder for photos, design ideas and implementation options for all of your home improvement needs including concrete resurfacing. Stay tuned to EzineArticles for a reality check in a continuing series of how to and unique solutions for all of your home improvement projects. Know what you need to know before you start any project. (c) copyright - Kimberlee Carter. All rights reserved worldwide.

Rubber Roofing Products

Fabric Vertical Blinds

Do you want to give your home a whole new look this year? Then perhaps, what you need is fabric vertical blinds that can enhance the look of your windows and doors.

Fabric vertical blinds are one of the most reliable window treatments that you can add to your homes interior. You can select a style that matches the design, furniture and dcor of any room and blend in perfectly.

When you select blinds for your home, you should forget about patterns and prints, instead concentrate more on the color, details and texture of the fabric. You can either choose a striped fabric or tab top design in a vertical blind. The stripe fabric will add color to the room, and the tab top design, on allow you to use a pole as an added feature.

But before buying fabric vertical blinds for your windows, you have to consider aspects such as type of mount, draw and tilt control, stack position, groover insert, valance, bottom chain and projection brackets. Aside from all these, you should also carefully look into the cleaning instructions and the warranty.

If you are planning to get vertical blinds for your home decorating project, try using those that are made of fabric. They give a softer texture and enable you to control the light that comes in to your room. You can check online for different designs, styles and colors of fabric for vertical blinds. Just see to it that the set you choose will best complement not only the interior of your home but also the furniture and decor.

Vertical Blinds provides detailed information on Vertical Blinds, Wood Vertical Blinds, Fabric Vertical Blinds, Discount Vertical Blinds and more. Vertical Blinds is affiliated with Discount Mini Blinds.

Decorative Concrete In Tradition

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Feng Shui Kua Numbers and Lucky Directions For Success

The best way to get into the world of Feng Shui is to determine your personal Kua Number, find out if you are an East or West Group person and your lucky directions.

Supposing you are born in the year 1871:

Step 1: Add the last two digits of your year of birth which in this example would be 7+1 = 8.

Step 2:
If you are a male:
Deduct the number that you derived from (Step 1) from 10. So in our example it will be 10-8 = 2. Your Kua Number is 2.
If you are a female:
Add the number that you derived from (Step 1) to 5. So in our example it will be 8+5=13 and then 1+3=4. Your Kua Number is 4.

Armed with the knowledge about your Kua Number:

Step 3: Find out if you are an East or a West group person:
Kua Numbers 1,3,4,9: EAST Group
Kua Numbers 2,5,6,7,8: WEST Group

Step 4: Find out your lucky directions:
Kua Number 1:
Success Direction: South-East
Health Direction: East
Romance Direction: South
Personal Development Direction: North

Kua Number 2:
Success Direction: North East
Health Direction: West
Romance Direction: North West
Personal Development Direction: South West

Kua Number 3:
Success Direction: South
Health Direction: North
Romance Direction: South East
Personal Development Direction: East

Kua Number 4:
Success Direction: North
Health Direction: South
Romance Direction: East
Personal Development Direction: South East

Kua Number 5:
For Males:
Success Direction: North East
Health Direction: West
Romance Direction: North West
Personal Development Direction: South West

For Females:
Success Direction: South West
Health Direction: North West
Romance Direction: West
Personal Development Direction: North East

Kua Number 6:
Success Direction: West
Health Direction: North East
Romance Direction: South West
Personal Development Direction: North West

Kua Number 7:
Success Direction: North West
Health Direction: South West
Romance Direction: North East
Personal Development Direction: West

Kua Number 8:
Success Direction: South West
Health Direction: North West
Romance Direction: West
Personal Development Direction: North East

Kua Number 9:
Success Direction: East
Health Direction: South East
Romance Direction: North
Personal Development Direction: South

By orienting yourself to face your lucky directions you are tapping into the goodness this will bring in all your activities thereby enabling you to succeed. Try to face your lucky direction as directly as possible. Where it is out your control (such the office space configuration is such that it is not going to be possible for you to sit facing your success direction) opt for the next best direction in the list pertaining to your Kua Number.

Veda Singam offers quality articles, short snippets on Feng Shui and Astrology. Moreover she also offers astrology horoscope content. Her work is published in a free online resource for astrology horoscopes. Visit the Zodiac Zone of that website for free monthly and daily horoscopes, astrology, numerology, feng shui and kua number resources.

Animal Cruelty: The Key to Serial Minds

What makes a common person a Serial Killer? According to research, serial killers exhibit what is known as the 'Triad of Warning Signs in Childhood.'1

Indicators include:

* Firestarting, invariably just for the thrill of destroying things

* Cruelty to Animals: Most children can be cruel to animals, such as pulling the legs off of spiders, but future serial killers often kill larger animals, like dogs and cats, and frequently for their solitary enjoyment rather than to impress peers.

* Bedwetting beyond the age when children normally grow out of such behavior.

One of society's more notorious serial killers, Jeffrey Dahmer explained that wanted to remove 'free will' from his victims so that they would stay with him. In his past, he suffered from abandonment and was afraid of loss and any social upheaval. Another one of his extremely displaced characteristics was that he suffered from low self-esteem. His parents divorced during his teens, and when he did go to college, he performed badly. Upon examination of three psychologists, Dahmer was found to be manipulative, resistant and evasive.2 Further studies of Dahmer revealed that he could not tolerate rejection or abandonment; and that control was the number one factor for him. One clue to his unusually sick behavior was that even in his relationships, Dahmer did not gratify his sexual partners - instead, Dahmer always expected to be pleased by them.

According to Pat Brown's Book, Killing for Sport: Inside the Minds of Serial Killers '...serial killers are of average intelligence....most have low level jobs and make poor decisions. ' And, ' is exactly these poor decisions that get them in trouble on their jobs, in their relationships, and in their crimes.'

Based on studies, serial killers usually choose victims that they can easily overpower, such as persons having short height and low weight. Additionally, 'serial killing is not about sex at all, but about power and control and revenge on society.' 2

Ted Bundy, who murdered at least 36 women, was known for his expressed desire to acquire things. From theft, to the importance of social standing, he pined to break free from the working class from which he was born. Additionally, he 'needed' to possess expensive items as well. Per research, Ted came from a single-parent home, was a severe sexual deviate; and women threatened him. He felt the need to not only control them, but to incapacitate them as well. As a teenager, Ted Bundy became known for his violent temper.

But what do serial killers like Dahmer, Bundy and others like them have in common?

'Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Andrew Cunanan, David 'Son of Sam' Berkowitz, and Albert 'Boston Strangler' DeSalvo were ALL cruel to animals before they started hurting people.'6 Subsequently, killer teenagers Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold (Columbine HS), and Kip Kinkel were also known for their past history of animal cruelty. In the study from of 'The Care of pets within child abusing families,' presented by DeViney & Lockwood, 88 percent of the homes were animal abuse had occurred, children were also abused.

In conclusion, I summise this important literature from the San Francisco Chronicle commentary by Margo DeMello:

"...every time we hear of a young person abusing an animal, it is explained away by family and often authorities as a 'youthful indiscrection'...What the authorities and parents of these young men fail to realize is that their behavior may signal that something is wrong with these men, which could very easily escalate into something much worse. The evidence is not just anecdotal; numerous studies, including the 1998 work of Randall Lockwood and Frank R. Ascione ("Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal Violence," Purdue University Press), have shown that children who engage in animal cruelty are more likely to commit more violent acts as adults. There is also a strong link between abuse of animals and domestic violence, with animal abusers much more likely to batter their wives or girlfriends as well...

Youthful violence toward animals is a very serious issue, and it needs to be taken seriously by not only animal advocates like myself, but by those who are concerned about violence in our society." - Margo DeMello, Ph.D.

2005 Animal Cruelty: The Key to Serial Minds


1. Wikipedia - Defining Serial Murders

2. Court TV's Crime Library - Criminal Minds and Methods (Serial Killer Myths Exposed)

3. Court TV's Crime Library - Jeffrey Dahmer

4. Illinois State Department of English - Bundy's Childhood(

5. ASPCA: Fight Animal Cruelty: Kids and Cruelty

6. San Francisco Chronicle - Cruelty to Animals: A Warning of Possible Violence to Come (Margo DeMello, Ph.D.)

C. Bailey-Lloyd is a professional writer of poetry books, poetry and informative articles on many subjects. More in-depth biographical information can be found at Somewhere Along the Beaten Path at

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Selecting Your Deck Pattern

House's features are greatly improved when the owner puts his attention and care in selecting the best and most appropriate design to his house style and comfort.

Have in mind when selecting a deck railing pattern that the design must fit not only the house style but the neighborhood architectural environmental style.

Selecting Your Personal Deck Pattern

Selecting your deck railing pattern list must include points like : Space: how much space you have for your railing? Be sure to take the right measure,otherwise the project will fail and your money lost.. Some ordinances may be followed when building or remodeling your house.. Check at your community advisers or representatives about that .Take note of this point and avoid paying fines.

Location: your home's size, location, style and materials may be considered when planning your deck. Have in mind that decks allow you add features like pathways,enclosed areas for you and your family, mini garden with bonsai trees and flower planters, some feng shui ornaments and let the imagination run free.

Climate: do you live in a very hot or cold area? It is wise to note that the material of you deck railing should have endurance for climate oddities. Very dry climate may alter wood,humidity will spoil iron and wood too: try to learn the best kind of material available for your climate at your local shops or make a brief search on Internet.

Style: many times the buyer feels seduced by impressing styles that don't match his own home design and spent time and money trying to fix something that won't fix anyway. If you house has a touch of western style, you'll be able to use rough wood decks and fencing but you go for something more elaborated, iron decking,carved wood or a bold mix of both may be applied.

Shape: generally, you can create your dream deck with almost any shape, but as we having been telling you, the shape is always related to the house design, the garden,garage,uses and location of the deck, remember that right angles give strong look, soft or round angles will ad a relaxed climate to the deck.

Simple or Sophisticated Patterns For Your Deck

Your lifestyle counts when you are choosing a deck railing pattern: how many hours you are able to dedicate to make the maintenance? Will you hire qualified employers to do it?Are in your family children or teenagers? They may be use the deck a space for playing and meeting, specially in warm days and maintenance will be required more frequently then.

Do you have pets? Cats and dogs like to bite and scratch, so you will have to apart them from the site if you feel bothered by this, otherwise pets like to lying on the deck when there are sunny days and a good idea is keep a safe and clean place for them.

Not always you can hire a professional architect for make your home more fashionable , but if one takes into account the good taste and harmony inherent in any construction, specially in deck design and porch railing, we will work and get rewarding results, and now start choosing the right deck railing pattern for you with all the guidelines we stated above.

Adam Peters writes for A focused website that offers the best articles on porch railing and deck ideas.

Grandparenting - Keeping Up With the Little Ones

One of my great delights is spending time with my two grandchildren ages 4 and 2. They are bundles of energy and can find joy in so many things.

I have found that the better care I take of myself the more I can enjoy my time with them.

Here are a few of the things I do that help me keep up with them.

1. Get regular exercise

I am convinced that being in the habit of walking regularly is keeping me active and energized. It wasn't always so. I would start and stop and berate myself for my lack of discipline. A few years ago I made the decision that it was important for me to stay active as long as possible. Now that I am 70 I want to also stay flexible for which I do Pilates, have a good mind-body balance for which Yoga is good, and lift weights to strengthen my bones.

2. Be with the children in the moment

Children live in the present and that is something we can re-learn from them. We adults can fret about the past or worry about the future and forget to be mindfully present. When the children and I play I enter their world. I marvel at their imagination where reality and fantasy get blurred. I have also learned when to step back and let them play by themselves.

3. Live joyfully

A positive attitude makes life more fun. For the little ones a kiss on a "booboo" fixes it and life resumes. They don't get stuck with ruminating but can shift to what interests them. Fortunately we have control over our attitude and can do the same. Many things that can weigh us down may not be as heavy as we may make them in our minds. A positive attitude and an active body are energizing and make it possible to keep up with the grandchildren.

For more tips and tools on recharging your life and renewing your spirit please visit: and Kristina von Rosenvinge is a self-growth and relationship expert who enjoys teaching individuals how to live to the fullest.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Powerful Beliefs in the Bible - How Powerful Exactly is the Bible

If you're a Christian, you probably believe in the Holy Bible and take it for granted, that this is the written Word of God. Here's a book that most people look upon as very sacred. I don't know if they do it anymore, but in a court of law, they would ask you to swear upon the Bible and to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God.

I would assume that this would generate fear in a prospective liar that was a Christian, but if you are a Muslim could you lie or should they switch the Bible to the Koran. Some things don't make sense do they. This made sense to me at one time and I even used this to gather some information from a nine year old boy at one time. I was amazed at how fast he told me the truth, when I pulled out a Bible and was going to have him swear to me that he wasn't lying. Try that one with your children.

I have seen Bible's in museums, on pedestals in churches and visible as you enter someone's home or bedroom. Are the Bibles that are located in people's homes to send you a strong sign of their faith. Do any of these Bibles ever get used or are they just there for looks?

Looking upon the Bible as a sacred symbol can create a sense of comfort and fear. At one time, I believed the Bible was some sort of sacred book and needed to be touched very delicately. I often wondered as a child if I accidentally tore out a page of the Bible, if I would have to spend an eternity burning in a lake of fire.

Are Bibles made at special factories and does each one of them need to be blessed or put in special shipping boxes before they are sent out to be sold or given away? I wonder if they use holy water during the printing procedure, if water is actually required. Do you think the paper come from special trees and are these trees grown on holy ground, maybe in a special forests guarded by angels. This is starting to sound like the makings for a good movie.

People can form powerful beliefs about other objects as well as the Bible. You should think about, some of the things you used to believe in and some of the things you still believe, then compare the two. Some of my old beliefs no longer serve me in a positive way. The Bible is just a book and should be treated like any other book. If the pages get ripped ripped fix them, if the bindings get loose repair them and if they become hard to read or have seen better days, replace them.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg is currently working on a Christian and spiritual library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence

ADHD Tip - Will More Medication Always Be The Answer To Treat Symptoms That Still Persist In ADHD?

There I was watching television one afternoon, and a commercial came on that reported, "X% of people who suffer from depression and take medication, continue to experience symptoms of depression."

I was on the edge of my seat... I couldn't believe it!

Were they finally going to suggest other treatment besides medication? Was someone going to finally blow the lid on treatment and actually suggest the importance of therapy and better understanding the behaviors?

All that excitement was suddenly lost the moment I heard the commercial recommend the need and use of additional medications.

I felt deflated...

It just didn't make sense.

"Treat ongoing symptoms of depression with more medication instead of going after the root cause," I asked myself?

That was the last straw.

What does this mean for ADHD?

Like depression, ADHD is thought to be biologically based. Research has suggested, and theorists believe, that there are abnormalities with the absorption of chemicals and neurotransmitters in the brain that lead to behaviors like we see in ADHD and depression.

This is one major reason why prescribing medication is often a first step for the individual diagnosed with ADHD.

Medications are specifically engineered and researched to target these specific chemicals and neurotransmitters in the brain to aide in the process.

Yet, many people with ADHD still experience symptoms of the disorder even while taking their prescribed medications.

Ask yourself what else might be going on?

While I am no expert on medication and how the brain functions, I can tell you that if your medication is not addressing the symptoms you are struggling with, then you really owe it to yourself to ask what else might be going on.

Can medications make a difference? Yes, absolutely.

But at the same time, disorders like ADHD and depression also have a very strong and powerful emotional or psychological component.

And while there is no set standard for what might happening, there has been a theme to suggest that the events in our lives, and those immediately around us can contribute to how we behave and interact with the world.

This is particularly true in children and adolescents.

Does this account for ADHD? Maybe yes, maybe no. But, I can guarantee you that regardless of the presence or absence of a disorder, we are all affected by our environment and what we are experiencing.

Disclaimer: In any discussion of medication, I feel it is of critical importance to remind you that any and all medical and mental health decisions continue to be made with your or your child's physician, psychiatrist, or therapist who is an expert in ADHD.

To learn more about ADHD and what might really be impacting your child, I invite you to visit and sign up for your 7 part mini-course on the dirty little secrets behind ADHD.

I would also like to invite you to ask your most pressing question about ADHD and how it could be affecting your family and your child.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Do You Love Your Body?

Through out the course of one's life one is faced with and accumulates a history of emotional trauma that becomes stored in ones's energy field. Such trauma poses many problems. These include such things as emotional and physical pain, chronic stress, a drain in one's vital life energy and the tendency for the individual to take flight from the physical body. In this article I hope to address the latter, its consequences and a new modality that may be able to reverse this tendency.

What does taking flight from the physical body look like phenomenologically? Commonly it is experienced as a feeling of numbness to the pain. With more significant trauma it takes the form of a dissociative episode. This phenomenon is typically seen in what was previously called Multiple Personality Disorder i.e. where an individual would spontaneously shift from one personality to another as a result of some disturbing emotional trigger. The purpose of the new personality is usually to isolate and suppress the emotional pain that exists in the original personality. In more serious cases one can experience actually leaving the physical body. Such examples include out of body experiences and near death experiences.

Metaphorically it is like trying to put a wall between one's self and a raging fire so that the heat of the fire is not felt. In each case the purpose is the same i.e to protect one's self from feeling overwhelmed by the pain. In each case however the impact on the physical body is detrimental. In order to appreciate why this is so it is necessary to first understand exactly who or what is being separated from the emotional pain that lives in the physical body. Very simply it is the experience of one's Core Self.

So what is being said here is that there is one Self, the Core Self, that is being "forced" out of the physical body in order to avoid feeling the vast accumulation of emotional pain that exists there. This Self is also what some might call the Spirit or Soul of the individual. This Self is also the source of one's vital life energy i.e. the energy that is required to support the physical body in a healthy and vital state. So in effect when the Spirit is being forced out of the physical body by the emotional pain that exists there there is less life energy left in the body to support it.

If the Spirit is completely forced out of the body, and there is no other energy readily available to support it then the body dies. From an experiential standpoint this is equivalent to one giving up on life i.e. on the body.

It becomes necessary now to point out that it is the accumulated negative emotional and physical (which also has a negative emotional component connected with it) pain that eventually forces the Spirit and vital life energy from the body. As human beings we have come to accept this as a normal process and consider it the cycle of life.

I would like to point out however that now there is a new tool that has the capacity to not only reduce the emotional pain stored in the body (i.e. actually the body's bio-energetic field) but to release it completely and permanently.

What effect will this have on the process described above? Well from over 10 years of experience using this tool, which I call the Mind Resonance Process(TM)(MRP), it is becoming evident that the tendency to want to seek refuge from the body is reduced significantly. Additionally overall stress is reduced, vital life energy is significantly enhanced, the body begins to heal and look younger, and the joy for a full and lengthy life returns.

I am currently in the process of conducting research on MRP to see whether it can slow and or reverse the aging process. For instance, correlates of the aging process are seen in declining DHEA levels and testosterone levels in middle aged men. I hope to show that MRP has the capacity to reverse these trends.

Nick Arrizza M.D. is an Energy Psychiatrist, Healer, Researcher, Author of "Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation" (found at:, Developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process(TM), Speaker. He holds international teleconferences and telecoaching sessions on the use of MRP to enhance emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing as well as overall performance.

Knowing the Lucky House Numbers in Feng Shui For Luck

House numbers in feng shui have been one of the most revered and sacred information from this famed and authentic Chinese tradition. Such is the power and forcefulness of these house numbers in the art of feng shui that even real estate and property selling is influenced by the house numbers in Chinese based localities and in areas where the art of feng shui is looked up to as an idealistic and impressive art form.

According to the art of feng shui, a house number may not only affect your life, but also of every person's life you come in contact with. Inauspicious numbers are harbingers of bad luck, while auspicious numbers are a sign of happiness and joy to come into your life. The interpretations of feng shui as to which numbers are auspicious and which house numbers are inauspicious are calculated by several methods. It includes the equations and calculations involving the five feng shui elements and the ever charismatic elements of yin and yang.

The five elements of feng shui includes the Fire, Earth, Wood, Metal and Water elements that help you recognize and channelize the natural forces of energy. The yin-yang is the balancing force of the universe according to feng shui theory. Yin is the feminine symbol while yang is masculine. Feng shui maintains that both should be equally present in the house to attain eternal energy. In the case of house numbers in feng shui, both of the above discussed entities of feng shui contribute.

Even in the business of real estate and property sales in China, Hong Kong and other Chinese populated states, feng shui house selling is dominant. A house or property with an auspicious house number according to feng shui will conventionally and regularly beat a house with an inauspicious number in selling prices. This happens even though the latter may be ten times better than the former as far as area, space or luxuries are concerned.

The auspicious or unlucky quality of a house number in feng shui is not equal to the world's viewpoint on lucky and unlucky numbers. To the western world number '13' is unlucky but its lucky as per feng shui is concerned. This is because the number 13 sounds like 'sure live' implying long life! Similarly number 4 is unlucky according to feng shui as it sounds like 'dead'!

Therefore, even though house numbers in feng shui influence people in choosing their residential accommodation, it actually has more to do with the psychology of people than the ancient Chinese tradition.

Vincent Yim is the founder of he created this home improvement blog is aimed to provide a FREE guide or tips to homeowners to convert the house into a unique home. Just follow his weblog regularly, you can save yourself from making the usual mistakes that others often do.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Religious Education

Studying Other Religions

I started out as a Christian and lived the first 17 years of my life as one. When I started doing a little research on Christianity, this soon led me to other religions. I started to research other religions, I soon found myself having problems with the religion of my birth, Christianity. I believe that Jesus was special and for some reason, thought that he was an only child. While reading one book, I found out he had 11 brothers and sisters. I don't know if this is true but this is what the book reported.

The stuff I had been taught in Sunday school and going to, what I would like to call adult church. Listening to the sermons and of course never reading the Bible, because my main concerns at the time were playing with my friends, sports and as I entered my teens, became extremely interested in cars. I didn't have time or a desire to verify anything that I had heard about Christianity.

I read one book and that led to others and pretty soon I was confused and chose not to be a Christian anymore, because I couldn't verify if this was a religion made by God or man. Everything I was learning pointed towards man and control and money and power. The more I learned, the more forgiveness I could have towards others who belonged to other religions throughout the world.

We all want the same thing, love, compassion and understanding. Buddhism seems to represent this the most to me and I started to study it a little more diligently. I kind of became fascinated with the Dali Lama and the country of Tibet. We tend to get caught up in stuff that sounds good and makes us feel good but often can't see the problems. This happens in our daily life with work, family and fun.

I never really fell out of favor with Buddhism but soon learned enough to save this religion wasn't exactly for me either. I like some of the principles, especially the principle of compassion which tends to drive this way of life forward.

I have studied quite a few religions and still have plenty of more to educate myself on. I understand that most people don't have the time or interest to pursue this path. That's fine, but at the same time don't make fun of these religions, if you don't know anything about them and don't tell others that your religion is right if it isn't.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility . It's based on overindulgence.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All