Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Grandparenting - Keeping Up With the Little Ones

One of my great delights is spending time with my two grandchildren ages 4 and 2. They are bundles of energy and can find joy in so many things.

I have found that the better care I take of myself the more I can enjoy my time with them.

Here are a few of the things I do that help me keep up with them.

1. Get regular exercise

I am convinced that being in the habit of walking regularly is keeping me active and energized. It wasn't always so. I would start and stop and berate myself for my lack of discipline. A few years ago I made the decision that it was important for me to stay active as long as possible. Now that I am 70 I want to also stay flexible for which I do Pilates, have a good mind-body balance for which Yoga is good, and lift weights to strengthen my bones.

2. Be with the children in the moment

Children live in the present and that is something we can re-learn from them. We adults can fret about the past or worry about the future and forget to be mindfully present. When the children and I play I enter their world. I marvel at their imagination where reality and fantasy get blurred. I have also learned when to step back and let them play by themselves.

3. Live joyfully

A positive attitude makes life more fun. For the little ones a kiss on a "booboo" fixes it and life resumes. They don't get stuck with ruminating but can shift to what interests them. Fortunately we have control over our attitude and can do the same. Many things that can weigh us down may not be as heavy as we may make them in our minds. A positive attitude and an active body are energizing and make it possible to keep up with the grandchildren.

For more tips and tools on recharging your life and renewing your spirit please visit: and Kristina von Rosenvinge is a self-growth and relationship expert who enjoys teaching individuals how to live to the fullest.

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