Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Risks Of Caffeine

Millions of people drink soda each day- diet or not. Those who drink non-diet sodas could be at risk- but exactly how unhealthy can caffeine become for ones health?

Caffeine is both artificially and naturally produced. It is a stimulant, so it has seen many uses in areas of work or study. While most of it is consumed in soda, you can find it in chocolate and pain relievers.

At this point I can honestly say that I have found caffeine to be neither a stimulant nor addictive. I have been consuming it for many years in pretty large quantities. I can take it or leave it and, yes, I can sleep for hours after consuming it. It seems to make no difference.

It should be noted, however, that caffeine is, in fact, addictive- and you can feel the effects of it for up to 6 hours (or so they say). This can include insomnia, a rather large drawback to the drug found in sodas. It not only dehydrates the body, but removes calcium from bones- a vital nutrient in child development.

The maximum amount of caffeine you should consume a day should be no more than 100 milligrams- about two Mountain Dew sodas. It is recommended that if you drink more than this, you try to cut back. If you are sincerely addicted to caffeine-related products- it is recommended you take vitamins to help regain the nutrients you lose.

Caffeine is, and will continue, to be legal. It is strongly recommended intake of it should be limited to help fight obesity, high blood pressure, and other health related problems that come with the addiction- your health could depend on it.

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